Depuis Free Mobile, il est possible de partager la connexion Internet de son mobile avec son ordinateur, sa tablette, … sans coût supplémentaire.
Si vous devez payer, changez d’opérateur.
Encore faut-il savoir comment faire (câble USB, Wifi, Bluetooth), que ce soit sur le smartphone ou l’ordinateur.
Despite of his version number, Play2War,
the famous productive web framework:
Servlet 2.5 containers can now be used to deploy your Play applications!
Servlet 2.5 containers means Tomcat 6, Jetty 7, …
But this compatibility as a price: performances. They are worth than with Servlet 3.0,
themselves worth than with native Play 2.
Two threads are indeed necessary to compute each request:
one for handling HTTP request
one for Akka asynchronous computing
Standard Java synchronization mecanisms (wait/notify) are then used to make theses threads work together.
Of course, they are managed by threads pools, but synchronization has a cost. So if you need high performances
and have to deploy WAR packages, please upgrade to a modern servlet 3.0 container, such as Tomcat 7,
Jetty 8, JBoss 7.x, Glassfish 3.x (not tested yet), …
valappDependencies=Seq(// Nothing or your other dependencies)...valmain=PlayProject(appName,appVersion,appDependencies,mainLang=JAVA).settings(// Nothing or your other settings)
Move all settings in a variable and add Play2War SBT settings to your project’s settings
valappVersion="1.0-SNAPSHOT"valprojectSettings=Play2WarPlugin.play2WarSettings++Seq(// Your settings)...valmain=PlayProject(appName,appVersion,appDependencies,mainLang=JAVA).settings(projectSettings:_*)
Configure servlet container version
valprojectSettings=Play2WarPlugin.play2WarSettings++Seq(Play2WarKeys.servletVersion:="3.0"// Or Play2WarKeys.servletVersion := "2.5")